5 satelitów w ciągu trzech kolejnych lat

Orbitalny program inwestycyjny Eutelsat ma trzy kluczowe intencje:

  • Odświeżenie floty satelitarnej, celem utrzymania długoterminowych relacji z naszymi klientami;
  • Zwiększenie naszych zasobów dla rynków rozwijających się;
  • Innowacja i rozszerzenie portfolio zastosowań naszych satelitów.



New gen. high-throughput, software-defined satellite, for flexibility and instant reconfigurability

Eutelsat has selected Thales Alenia Space to build a next-generation highly flexible, software-defined satellite.

Flexsat Americas (flexible satellite) will be based on Thales Alenia Space’s cutting-edge ‘Space Inspire’ (INstant SPace In-orbit REconfiguration) product line, enabling seamless reconfiguration and instant in-orbit adjustment to offer an optimum level of customer service, maximising the effective use of the satellite resources.

The new satellite will expand Eutelsat’s in-orbit assets providing more than 100 Gbps of incremental capacity over the Americas to support the surging Connectivity market. Its performances combined with the high level of flexibility in terms of coverage, bandwidth allocation, and power levels, will offer an unparalleled quality of service to Eutelsat customers for ADVANCE backhauling, enterprise, government, aero, and maritime solutions.

It will also be able to accommodate joint GEO-LEO services, specifically in zones where demand is highly concentrated.

Flexsat Americas is expected to be delivered in 2026.